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True Love's Kiss

Writer's picture: Nahaleh DoroudianNahaleh Doroudian

I have already written about the Twin Flame love in the first blog I posted. There are many out there that are still unfamiliar with the term Twin Flame and yet connect it to being their "soulmate." Again, I've covered that in that same blog. I figured it would be best to refer to "The One" as your "True Love." If you are reading this then you have already met or are with your true love. If you aren't but know who it is, I understand why and how you got to the place you're at. It's not easy to follow your true heart which is linked to your true love. You know who it is. It's not a puzzle as to who you know it to be, it is just a matter of admitting to yourself who it is. Why? Because that person, while being the love of your life, created havoc in it as well. The kind of havoc that takes you to the deepest waters and darkest places you tried to avoid and conceal. Why are we so afraid of the dark? Why are we so afraid to face our fears and hurts? Why do we push away our true love when they are only mirroring and reflecting back to us what WE ourselves are afraid to see. Meeting my Twin Flame, looking back now, has been the greatest moment of my life. It has been the catalyst to truly going within and peeling back 37 years of fear, resentment, grief, hate, anger, sadness, and unworthiness. I'm 42 currently so that should give you perspective on the timeline of deep work. I woke up to my personal journey long before I met him and that's how it led me to him. Also, thank God it was only 37 years and not 80. Regardless, peeling back those layers is a bitch. Excuse my language but it is. It takes a warrior to go through it all, acknowledge those feelings, and forgive yourself to fully begin healing. That is what your true love does. That person throws you into the fire (well figuratively) and really that person is just doing what you couldn't do for yourself. The question is, what are YOU going to do about it?

If you've spent a greater part of your life watching Disney movies or romantic movies (or not), then you see how this story goes. Let's take Cinderella. She was sweet and kind but grew up losing her mother and still tried to be a good person. With that came putting her step mother and step sisters' needs above her own. She continued to dream and follow her passions of being in nature and singing and dancing to finally meet her prince (her true love). With that came her fairy godmother (someone or some people enter your life to guide and help you) and her self transformation. She did the inner work and found her self worth and in the end (no matter how hard the step family tried) she prevailed. You can find this in practically every movie (the self work, not the step family part but if that's there then so be it). The key is the SELF transformation. So, why do we choose to be with anyone other than our true love? How could anyone possibly choose another to try to replace his or her true love? The feelings and emotions I have (since I've cleared all the dark emotions now) are all pure love for this person. Did I end up meeting a soulmate? Sure I did. Do I know what it feels like to be swayed into choosing my soulmate over my true love? Yes because it's easier...for the time being anyway. Don't worry, your old crap will resurface. It will. BELIEVE me. I know because I went through it. He helped me see there was still some work to be done within me. There more you go within, the easier it becomes, I promise. The beginning is always harder than the final countdown. In case you were wondering, your soulmate is NOT MEANT to be your forever. I'm sorry to spoil anything for you but it's the truth. The truth is also that many people in this lifetime won't even be open to "hearing" what I'm talking about. I'm talking to the ones that know without a shadow of a doubt who their true love is and are wanting to make their way back into union. Don't worry about forgetting them because that will NEVER happen even if you tried. They will show up in your dreams, they will find a way to contact you, their name shows up in the craziest and not so craziest places, you'll see angel numbers everywhere (especially 11:11), their birthdate shows up, people you knew will run into you, music will start playing out of nowhere and the list goes on. In fact, I'm sure there are other fun ways you know of already. You've heard of the term "haunting" you? Well it's more like haunting you in a loving way. Telling you somewhere on this journey you've made a little advance in your self work. Telling you to keep it up and keep going. Don't settle for anything less than greatness in all aspects of your life including your true love. Don't settle for the person that checks the certain boxes you think you need. Your true love checks every single box of your true soul's essence. You realized that when you kissed them. For me it really was true love's kiss. It was the kiss that woke us both up. It was the kiss that brought forth everything I had wanted in my true love even though I didn't know it when I first physically saw him in person. There are times in this journey when you make a statement about something that has truth to it but a part of you doubts it and then suddenly you hear a loud bang or a sound(around your vicinity) to confirm, YES! YOU GOT IT! Right now for me, while typing this blog, this is one of those times. A barista dropped a bunch of dishes behind me letting me know I'm doing and writing exactly what I'm supposed to.

So what am I trying to say? I'm trying to say that you deserve true love. You deserve to set yourself free from the cage you're in. Do you want to know a secret? The cage you're in, only YOU have the key to set yourself free. NO one else. Your true love gave you that key and now you get to set yourself free. There are many people out there that have married their soulmates and even have had children with them. That's ok! There will come a point when you realize that by loving yourself, you can still love your children no matter what (and your soulmate). This is all part of your journey and no one elses to blame or shame. You are the only one that can allow any of those low vibrational energies to enter your environment. If you've taken other paths, it's ok. The path to your true love is always there if you choose to get on it. If you don't, that's ok too. You're not ready and maybe you won't be in this lifetime, but I pray you are. Stop being afraid to face your demons. Stop being afraid to dig deep and reveal those parts of you that you are ashamed of. More importantly, please don't be afraid to ask for help! If you don't want to ask others, ask your angels or God or whoever you believe in. You will get answers. You just need to be open and PAY ATTENTION. You are never alone. NEVER. How did we get to the point of feeling so insecure? Why have we allowed our upbringing and society to get the better of us? I've asked the why but the answer is really if we didn't see that dark side, we wouldn't be able to see the bright side. Children are on the bright side. Children are more than happy to say exactly what's on their mind and how they feel. We need to get back to that inner child. Talk to that inner child and show him or her that there's a beautiful world out there just waiting to reward us with everything we desire. We are destined to have our Happily Ever After but only if we choose LOVE. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.


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