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The Twin Flame Journey

Writer's picture: Nahaleh DoroudianNahaleh Doroudian

Ahh the beautiful, intense, raw, noteworthy, epic journey of 2 souls that find each other here on Earth. What is a Twin Flame and how is it different than a soulmate? We've grown up hearing and seeing the term "soulmate" and assuming it meant "the one." Well, we didn't get all the right information. I grew up knowing that I had a great love like the ones I've seen in all the Disney and romantic movies and books. The only problem was that I was surrounded by couples that were or looked like they were miserable in their relationships. My parents, for most of my childhood, were usually upset at each other and fighting. I always felt like I had to be extra careful with my behavior so that I didn't upset them more and then have them get a divorce like most couples. I even went as far as changing the channel if the movie "Mrs. Doubtfire" was on so that it didn't remind them that divorce was an option. How silly can that be? This is, however, how many children feel growing up. We feel the chaos, the anger and the sadness because we are also Empaths. Empathetic beings that feel energies and are very sensitive to them. Just like our pets smell and hear certain dogs or people from a mile away.

So I grew up always calling myself the third wheel. While my closest friends were getting boyfriends, I was always along for the ride. It was almost like I was harmonizing the relationships because I was always sensing issues with their relationships. It almost seemed like they wanted me around because it would help bring peace into their relationship. I would go back and read my books and watch my movies to remind me that there is a great love for me out there somewhere that would never be like the ones I saw around me. I even avoided getting into a relationship because I was so tainted. When I decided to let certain men into my life, they never worked out. Ever. It was baffling. I felt like "Good Luck Chuck." Like I was there to meet these guys and then fill in the missing piece for them and finding their true love. It wasn't until August of 2017, when I finally understood why none of my other relationships I let in didn't work out. I met my Twin Flame. It was like the Universe was preparing me all along to get to that precise moment in my life. I also learned the difference between what I thought a soulmate was versus a Twin Flame. Your Twin Flame is the SAME SOUL ENERGY as you. Your soulmate(s), and I make that plural because you have many of them in this lifetime, is your SIMILAR SOUL ENERGY. You can have tons of soulmates in your lifetime like your parents, siblings, friends, pets, romantic relationships, family members, and just about anyone you connect with even if it's for a day or a few months. Your Twin Flame is in fact "The One." If you've met your Twin Flame, then you know without a shadow of a doubt, he or she is it. Twin Flames are even mentioned way back in Plato's Symposium describing mankind as originally three in number, the man, the woman, and the union of the two. They had 4 hands, 4 feet, one head with 2 faces, 4 ears, and 2 privy members. Zeus deemed them too powerful and split them in half where they continue to look and find a way to come together with their other half. Plato mentions, "when one of them meets with his other half, the actual half of himself, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy, and one will not be out of the other's sight, as I may say, even for a moment: these are the people who pass their whole lives together; yet they could not explain what they desire of one another. For the intense yearning which each of them has towards the other does not appear to be the desire of lover's intercourse, but of something else which the soul of either evidently desires and cannot tell..." Twin Flames share telepathy, dreams, emotions, and communication with each other in the physical realm, also known as the 3D world, but especially in the non-physical realm, referred to as the 5D world. Your Twin Flame may not be the person you had imagined you would be with. Generally, most Twin Flames find that they are from different backgrounds, religions, and/or even a gap in age. Regardless, the soul energy is the same. I know when I met my Twin Flame, it took a minute to realize there was something deep and profound happening within my body. I started to feel my heart pounding and my pulse racing when I sensed he was even in the building or within my vicinity. I know it sounds cliche, but you feel at home with this person. Once you are sexually involved, you are pulled into another dimension. It's like all time, space and reality doesn't exist. Your bodies come together organically and perfectly. Even that first kiss and the ones that follow pulls you into a transcendent world. You both are a perfect fit in all aspects for each other. So what comes with this sexual "initiation" is what is referred to as the Kundalini awakening. This is when your 7 Chakras are activated and ready to embark on the true spiritual journey. This journey involves many Dark Night of the Souls that are like the Tower Card in the Tarot. Your world becomes topsy turvy. If you aren't aware of this and not properly informed, you will be in for a big surprise and impact. Your Twin Flame is created to be in your life to mirror you. To show you what you need to work on and clear from deep within and release from childhood and throughout your life. You will often find that there is confusion, fear and feeling lost, but the love remains. This eventually leads to a separation of the relationship with one twin leaving due to feeling unworthy, not good enough and so on. This is often referred to as the "runner" in most descriptions. I will not get into that part myself. I will say, however, that there is always one twin that is more spiritually advanced and that person was me. I want to also state that his “running” due to those fears of rejection, intimacy, and not good enough were mirroring my same fears even though they were below the surface. We were both “running.” I had always been fascinated with horoscopes, astrology, psychics, palm readers and that whole other world of magic. I even imagined attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry. I had also been working with crystals, meditating, doing yoga and reading all I could about the Law of Attraction. So when my twin left the relationship, I was devastated and left heart broken. That was right before my family friend stepped in to tell me about this Twin Flame journey. She was going through the same journey while developing her psychic and intuitive gifts. She was also there to help guide me through this journey and ultimately bring him and I back into physical union. Twin Flames are always in union in the 5D. The higher self of your Twin Flame is always sending you pure love, messages and guiding you from the 5D world. This is also the reason why none of my other "relationships" worked out. Those relationships are also referred to as Karmic Partners. The ones we have soul contracts with and show us our parts that also need to be healed through different experiences. His 5D seemed to quickly push these guys out of the picture after a short amount of time and some lesson was learned. As we know, the non physical energy(5D) is always pure and loving, It's hard to understand that when in the beginning you feel angry and resentful towards your twin for leaving the relationship. That is the point, to help you release those below the surface "issues" you have deep within. Again, they are mirroring you and allowing you to "see" and clear things like fear of rejection, fear of intimacy, and even codependency. You are each other's mirrors. If you are in a job you hate and committed to it, your Twin Flame will mirror that by being in a relationship with a person possibly that they hate and are committed to. See how this could be one of the ways the mirror works? If you are being rejected or ignored when you reach out, your twin is simply teaching you that it's not the time and there is still more work to be done in your life. It's honestly the toughest and most loving way to get you to break out of your shell and go towards your calling ultimately. To know that you can be on your own, discover your true essence, and never hold your Twin Flame or anyone else responsible for your happiness or lack there of it. That is the true lesson in this journey, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Loving without conditions. You will be guided to leave jobs that don't resonate with you even when you fear you can't support yourself if you do. You are going to be guided to leave friendships, family, and cities that don't resonate with you any longer. You will also realize that you have been wanting a change, or felt like there was a greater purpose in life. The Law of Attraction has been working on this for you because when you ask, you receive. So none of this was by accident. Each and everything that you have or are a part of is from the seeds you have planted, coming to fruition. So, by breaking out of your habits and comfort zone, you are releasing fears and this is the way to freedom and joy. It is the way to finding your own true, loving self and forgiving anyone or anything you have dealt with throughout your lifetime. This includes old partners, parents, siblings, and friends. It requires you to first and foremost have and build your FAITH. Without that, this journey is far fetched and hardly possible. Once you tap into that loving being you truly are, you will find that your gifts begin to shine and the people and places you released will be replaced by your soul family and tribe. They will carry that energy and high frequency of love and peace that you carry. You will never be alone! Remember, everyone and everything you come in contact with is reflecting what you are carrying within. That is the Law of Attraction. So during this journey, allow the people you meet to show you what is going on within you and that allows you to continue to release what no longer serves you. As you continue to do YOUR inner work, your Twin Flame's energy and vibration will also uplevel. This is the beauty of the Twin Flame relationship. Not only are you helping yourself, you are helping your twin. As I looked over at the time typing this exact sentence, it is 2:22. This is the Twin Flame angel number of "I love you" and union in the 5D. How beautiful is it to get this confirmation as I type this piece. This leads to me to touch on the fact that you will start to notice signs and synchronicities all around you as you start this journey. Many of these signs and synchronicities will also be very unique to you and your Twin Flame. I started to see four leaf clovers on billboards, ads and signs that were related to his Irish heritage. I hear songs and lyrics that I knew were sent for me. Later in the journey, with the help of my friend, I realized my true symbol of our relationship was the infinity symbol. Before I even found out about this Twin Flame relationship and 2 months before meeting him, I bought a bracelet I had been wanting for over a decade. I was also guided at the time of purchasing it, to inscribe my name and select an infinity symbol next to it. I was then guided again a few years later after meeting him to this time get a tattoo of double infinity symbols that intertwine. That symbolized we had at that point found each other in the physical and that would be my guiding light & symbol towards our journey back again together in a loving, harmonious relationship. It would be my talisman throughout my journey if I have moments of doubt, a reminder to keep going, or even that our physical union is close. Afterall, we are all infinite beings always connected. So pay attention to meaningful symbols or even numbers that reflect their birthdays. When you start to see and hear their names all over, you're really on the right track. The Union track. I remember watching the movie "Serendipity" again after meeting my Twin Flame and realized I had watched this movie and all others that reflected the Twin Flame journey! Go back and re-watch those movies and see how the characters come together in the most interesting ways, then separate, then go through a change that was needed, then are guided back together. In this particular movie, John Cusack continues to hear her name in the places he goes to and sees many signs and synchronicities that ultimately lead to their physical union. See, the ultimate goal is physical union, BUT that is only when you have come into INNER UNION first. Once you have found that true self love, self confidence, and peace within (inner union), then that love and peace trickles and flows to all those around you, including your beloved Twin Flame. Once you continue to build your faith, you also count your blessings. I've learned to take the time in my every morning meditations to appreciate and thank God and my angels for all that I have. I remember when I first started my appreciation rant a decade ago, it was by reading a favorite mentor of mine, Dr. Wayne Dyer's profound book, "There's A Spiritual Solution To Every Problem." I also gifted this book to my Twin Flame. Wayne Dyer taught me to always find anything to appreciate, starting in the morning and then if you can throughout the day. Practicing this daily became programmed for me. I would thank God for my life, my bed, my parents, my health, my organs, my teeth, my car, my money for gas, the clean water I drank and bathed in, and the list went on. The more you count your blessings in everything you see or do, the more blessings come back to you, including your Twin Flame.

Another part of this fascinating journey is that it is not like anything society teaches us. I remember reading many books and hearing so called coaches try to teach me and whoever else about what to do, what not to do, and if someone is just not that into you. Well, when it comes to your Twin Flame, all of that goes out the window. Don't let anyone dissuade you from what you know and feel to be true for you. You must really follow your heart and not your logical mind here. This is the key to advancing further. You will also have to start developing ways to strengthen your intuition. Yes, we all have it! It comes through in the times when you say something happened "randomly." Those "random" times are when you are hearing and following your intuition and guidance from your angels/spirit. I also quote the word random because there is nothing random happening. Everything is happening the way it's meant to. The more you follow your passions, spend time meditating, walking in nature, being in solitude, dancing, swimming, or whatever it is that brings you peace and joy, the more the outside noise fades and your guidance comes in. You don't even need to dedicate hours to this practice. If you can try to even spend 15-30 minutes a day or a few times a week, that is enough. As long as you do it. Your guidance may come through with a certain city that keeps coming up unusually often. That is your guidance to move possibly, or even travel there. Only you know what is right for you. If you are having trouble getting a head start, ask your guides and angels for help and they will show you! Ask for loud and clear signs to help guide you and then follow through on them. That's the key to asking! Also look for a psychic or mentor that specifically specializes in the Twin Flame journey. That is why I am so blessed to be working with my friend who specializes specifically in Twin Flames and gives me guidance on all other parts of my life that I have missed on my own. It is truly comforting to know that she also is going through this and I can also see her improved life and gifts. Especially with her Twin Flame. This journey can seem lonely and like no one understands you, but you have to remember that we are out there. Twin Flames are all around you waiting to connect with you and share their stories. Just make sure you find the people that are honest and uplifting and not trying to share all the things that have gone wrong for them. Again follow your intuition and use discernment. These people will also reflect back to you how committed or skeptical you are in that moment of your journey.

I want to remind you that this journey is NOT for the weak. It breaks you apart, reveals the dark and muddy parts of you that were hidden for so long. This journey requires making CHANGES. Big and small. It works on your FAITH in yourself, God/the Universe/Angels, and in your Twin Flame relationship. When you are doing the "work", you will also be rewarded with reunions with your Twin Flame. This will be through communication by them or even seeing or running into them. If you live in different cities, this will NOT affect the divine timing of reunions. This journey entails the death of EGO. Yes, it may require you be guided to reach out to your twin even when that means there is no reply or even a reply that triggers you. Use that trigger to teach you to release ego and whatever else comes up. Again, your twin is like you holding up a mirror to see what is reflected back. If you're being guided to reach out to your twin and you think "why should I do all work" or "he's just going to reject me again", it shows that you are still working through ego and/or fear of rejection. Text or call! Allow these feelings to be released one fear at a time. This journey will take you to places you have only dreamed of. It brings you freedom and breaks the shackles that have imprisoned you. You will no longer carry burdens with you. You will no longer care about what others think about you or the decisions you make since it is always leading you to your freedom and helping others in some way. It will open up gateways and paths to support you and continue to guide you on your mission. When you and your Twin Flame come back together in final physical union, you will both be new versions of yourselves. The journey is always allowing you both to uplevel and become newer versions of yourself. Just like when our phones alert us for the newest download (1.0, 2,0, 3.0, etc), you also upgrade to newer versions. The point is to allow yourself to also release the old version of your Twin Flame. Anything that was missing in the relationship before the upgrades MUST BE RELEASED and FORGIVEN. Forgiving them and forgiving yourself is another key to unlocking the door to your physical union. Write a rage letter and let your rants flow. Write about being angry, or sad, or how they made you feel. Write whatever comes to your mind and then rip up and/or burn the letter. When you have taken a day to find some peace, go back and write a new letter about what you learned and find that love for yourself and the lessons you've learned and what your Twin Flame has taught you. That is why you are both updating to newer versions once you continue to release and let go of those yucky feelings. Haven't you noticed each update to the Iphone tells you about the "bugs" that are being repaired? Same goes for the "bugs" within us. That newer version is better and even faster than the last. It's also important to use your tool of visualization and create the loving and beautiful relationship in your mind. It's like creating a movie and you are the director. Do you see the both of you taking trips together? Create that inspiring vision and get creative. I would see us jogging on the beach, feeling the wind and the sun, the water, us holding hands smiling and laughing. Having a romantic dinner together that he arranged. Flying on the airplane to different trips around the world. I imagined our beautiful house near the water, me cooking in our kitchen, us cuddling on the couch and getting intimate. The visualizations are endless. The point is to get the FEELING of joy going. The universe doesn't care about what your current state of reality is, it cares about the VIBRATION you are sending out. Read the previous sentence again until it REALLY sinks in. Your current reality is NOT the factor. The VIBRATION you are sending out at that moment is the key. If you are vibrating love and joy with your Twin Flame fantasy, the universe starts to work on matching that frequency and vibration. The goal of this journey is to come together in that unconditional loving state of union. Unconditional love for yourself, your twin, and all others in your lives. When 2 souls are coming together in this beautiful way, they shine brighter. The world shines brighter. If you've seen the movie, "Stardust", you will see how this shows us we are all bits of the stars and when we come together with our Twin Flames in pure love, we shine so bright others can see and feel it. I must be honest and mention that again as I'm typing this sentence, a jukebox in this coffeeshop starting blasting "Crimson & Clover" which is confirming the part I explained about my Twin Flame's 5D self sending me four leaf CLOVERS. This also confirms that me being guided to the city of San Francisco now, where he currently lives, is not only for me but for him energetically. These confirmations and signs allow a spark of joy in these moments and allow me to continue on and continue in my faith. If you need that reminder or jolt, find a bracelet with words that inspire you or even get them tattooed! My tattoos are for me to see and remind myself to keep going.

We have now reached the part where I will take a bow and end my tale of the Twin Flame Journey. I know that this post may trigger some and if so "you're welcome" lol! I'm also making a joke because the goal of this Twin Flame journey and the journey of life is to actually have FUN! To find the humor and fun as much as you can. If I have shed some light for you or made you think differently, then I have succeeded. If I can leave you with one thing, it is to remember to always believe in yourself and find the joy everywhere, in everything, and in everyone. Live your life full and true, and the Universe will always guide you. This Universe always has your back, even when it doesn't appear that way. Not only are you committing to your faith in your relationship, you're committing to yourself. So go out and be brave. I believe in you!


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