How Am I Doing Today?
Sounds a little funny asking yourself this question right? I mean why wouldn't it since we are programed to always ask others how they are doing and all the while we are forgetting how we are doing ourselves. Our feelings are often swept under the rug or pushed away so that we don't have to face them. Why is that? Why are we constantly passing the mic instead of using it for our own voice? Asking others how they are doing is a loaded question these days with everything that is going on. The interesting thing here is that for centuries there have always been "things" going on. These things involve politics, health issues, pandemics, wars, and evolution. The only difference is that we are in the new age world where social media has a major impact on not only the speed of which news is delivered, but the many different routes that it tries to get to you. Constantly trying to throw you off balance. I understand that many believe it's good to know what is going on globally around you. I get it, I used to be one of those people when I was a young adult. I always intuitively knew that as much as I was absorbing this information, my body was showing me signs of depression and anxiety. My heart and soul were trying to tell me to stop, while my mind was telling me to overcome these feelings and push past them. I eventually started to listen to my heart and soul and that's when the magic happened. I started to feel better. I started to release the terrible feelings of seeing that the whole world is in chaos and there's always something bad happening. When you make these changes, the Universe will then test you and see if you are true to your"self" path. This test came from a friend's husband who was obsessed with every news broadcast. I told him I didn't know anything happening politically and his words were "you need to download these apps and at least watch to know what's going on out there." I really wanted to reply with "ok, but does watching and hearing any of this make you FEEL better?" He wasn't ready for this question and neither was I for asking. But I knew I had passed my test.
In the Iranian culture, asking someone how he or she is doing comes with a lot of thought. I realized this now at this age looking back at the replies from parents and family members. If they are doing really well and happy, they downplay it and say something like "we are living." If they are miserable and sad, they will tell you all the things that are going wrong. If they are successful and happy, they also try to find the things that are going wrong so that the other party isn't jealous, make them feel bad, or so they don't give them the "evil eye." Don't get me wrong, I love my culture and heritage but this part does not resonate with me at all. It does not align with the law of attraction, nor does it align with the processes I have learned throughout the years. This is the time for us to look back and see how much we are evolving again as a planet, as humans, and human consciousness. We are blessing our parents, caregivers and families for trying to teach us what and how they knew best. We are healing the parts of us that were not getting what we needed from them and knowing that it's ok! It's ok because they could only teach us what they knew. We need to be brave and know that it's time for the next Universal upgrade. To ask ourselves everyday when we wake up, "hey, how am I doing?" If I'm not doing so well, no one, including myself can gain from this. What are the ways you can break barriers and make changes? Maybe it's taking yourself out on a date. Yes, treating yourself to a delicious dinner, a mojito, or even taking yourself out to the movies without sitting with your phone in hand. I know it sounds scary and you may wonder what people are going to think. That is a fear. That is your annoying friend named "ego" that is showing up to crash your party. Don't let it. When you tell ego to leave, it will but not without a fight. It will always try to find its way back. The more you step outside the box and take care of yourself, the more ego gets lost and takes longer to get back to you. I have practiced taking myself out for over a decade now, especially when I lived in the biggest city, New York City. A place that can make you feel so full one day and so lonely another, depending on your lifestyle. In 2020, I finally saw what it was truly like to take myself out during the pandemic in San Francisco. That same year, the movie Wonder Woman 1984 came out and in the first few scenes she is at a restaurant eating and having a glass of wine, looking out at the people around her in content, peace and confidence. I also realized this was my confirmation that I was on the right path since Wonder Woman was also my alter ego. So find your Wonder Woman or Man and feel proud that you are one step closer to your fulfillment and desires. Take a chance on yourself. Take a chance on others. Follow your heart and it will never lead you astray, even when you think it is. There is always a bigger plan and you won't know when, who or what, but that's where the excitement lies. When people are planning your surprise party, you hopefully don't know it's happening and then you are presented with gifts, love and joy! Think of the Universe/God/your Angels as your surprise party planners. Once you look at the world differently, you will see the magic before your eyes. Reminds me of one of my greatest mentors, Wayne Dyer and my favorite quote, "when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." That change all starts with you and saying, " am I doing today?" Now go take yourself out on that date!